First Baptist Church, Milton, LA

Weekly sermons from Pastor Matt Palmer or guest preachers at First Baptist Church, Milton, La.

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Sunday Dec 04, 2022

In our text for today, 1 Peter 2:4-8, we see that the New Testament church is the glorious fulfillment of the Old Covenant temple. Christ is the chosen and precious cornerstone of the Church and we are the living stones which make up the Church. Further, each believer is called to priestly duties within that temple-church. In carrying out these duties and purposes, the Church radiates the light of the glory of Christ into the world. 

Sunday Nov 27, 2022

This is the second sermon on 1 Peter 1:22-2:3. In these sermons, we see that those who have been saved by faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ are commanded to have a sincere love for one another - a love which grows as they grow in Christ.
In this sermon, our focus is on 1 Peter 2:1-3, which tells us how we are to live out this difficult command, namely by putting away certain unloving and unlovely sins and by growing up in our faith through the Word of God. 

Sunday Nov 20, 2022

In 1 Peter 1:22, the focus shifts from our vertical relationship with God to our horizontal relationships with one another. In fact, what we see is that our relationship with God has tremendous effects on our relationships with one another. In verses 22-23, Peter makes this clear by the way he weaves the two relationships together. We are now God’s people, and God’s people relate to each other in certain ways.  
In this sermon, we look at the command to love one another, how the Gospel enables us to love one another, and how this command is at odds with two of our culture's values/mantras about love. 

Sunday Nov 13, 2022

Our text, 1 Peter 1:20-21, brings up the doctrine of the eternal nature of Jesus Christ.  In this sermon, our goal is to understand and believe the eternal nature of Jesus Christ and then see what it means in the flow of Peter's thought in 1 Peter 1. There are big theological truths covered in this sermon, each of which serve to bolster our hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Sunday Nov 06, 2022

Christians are people who set their hope on the grace that is to come (1 Peter 1:13) AND who conduct themselves with fear because of the judgment of their deeds that is to come (1 Peter 1:17).
How do we make sense of these seemingly contradictory truths?
Listen in to this sermon on 1 Peter 1:17-19 as we seek to answer that question! 

Sunday Oct 30, 2022

In 1 Peter 1:15-16, Peter calls us to be holy as God the Father is holy. In this sermon, we look at what holiness is, what holiness looks like for us as the children of God, and the place of grace in our pursuit of holiness.  

Sunday Oct 23, 2022

In this sermon, we look at the first command given in 1 Peter, "set your hope on the grace that is to be yours at the revelation of Jesus Christ." Pastor Matt explains the importance of the indicative/imperative structure of the Scriptures and then shows us that hope is a command and how we can live in obedience to that command. This is so important for us because, when it comes to our hope, we are tempted to either lose hope or to put it in something other than Christ. Listen in and see what steps you can take to keep your hope fixed on Christ. 

Saturday Oct 22, 2022

We had the privilege of hosting Pastor Kirk Alexander from Christ Church Northside on Sunday, October 16, 2022. We hope you'll listen in and be encouraged as he exhorts us to overcome worldliness, particularly in how we relate to one another as Christians, from James 4:7-12. 

Sunday Oct 09, 2022

In 1 Peter 1:10-12, Peter shows us that, despite the sufferings and trials of this life, which we talked about last week in verses 6-9, we are living in the best times to live as Christians. We are living in the fulfillment of God’s great plan of salvation. 

Sunday Oct 02, 2022

Peter is addressing here a common experience for all Christians everywhere, which is the fact that we have this gracious savior, the hope of an imperishable, undefiled, unfading inheritance, all of these great promises for the life to come, and yet, our experience of life on this earth is filled with trials and hardships. How are we to understand the call to worship God and rejoice in our salvation in the midst of the very real, very difficult circumstances of life? Peter ties all of this together for us in 1 Peter 1:6-9. We hope you'll listen and be encouraged in your faith by God's Word. 

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