First Baptist Church, Milton, LA

Weekly sermons from Pastor Matt Palmer or guest preachers at First Baptist Church, Milton, La.

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The Minor Prophets: Habakkuk

Sunday Jul 17, 2022

Sunday Jul 17, 2022

If you’ve ever been confused, or maybe a little confounded or even frustrated, at what God seems to be doing, or seems to NOT be doing, if you’ve ever been in circumstances that you just couldn’t make sense of and couldn’t see how God might work them all out, if you’ve been praying for something for what seems like forever and God just doesn’t seem to be doing anything about it, then Habakkuk is the book for you. Listen in as we discover how "the righteous shall live by faith" in the midst of difficult circumstances. 

Sunday Jul 10, 2022

Zephaniah has some of the most intense descriptions of God’s judgment in the Minor Prophets, possibly in all the Scriptures, BUT that intensity is matched in its message of hope - the Gospel message of mercy and forgiveness that is ours in King Jesus. Listen in as we seek to understand Zephaniah's prophecy of The Day of the Lord, consider the sins for which judgment is coming, and then see the beautiful picture of God's love for His people at the end of the book. 

The Minor Prophets: Nahum

Sunday Jul 03, 2022

Sunday Jul 03, 2022

The book of Nahum is a timely message for the church today. Listen in as we see how a message of destruction against Nineveh some 650 years before Christ shows us: 1) that the church can have great courage in the face of her enemies today, 2) that the church ought to rejoice at the downfall of evil, and 3) that the church worships and proclaims a God of great justice and mercy. 

The Minor Prophets: Micah

Sunday Jun 26, 2022

Sunday Jun 26, 2022

Micah’s two biggest concerns are also Jesus’ two greatest concerns - that we might love God with all that we have and all that we are, and that we might love our neighbor as ourself.  These aren’t new concerns. Amos mentions these things. Hosea mentions them. Now Micah. What does this tell us about people? We have the same sinful inclinations. It shows us a bit of our nature. The Bible is a mirror. It is a true, impartial mirror. It is a light that shines and reveals our true nature and the evil that is in our hearts that we would prefer to keep in the darkness. And the truth is we are all prideful, we are all prone to idolatry, and we are all prone to self-centeredness. 
It was for those sins that judgment was coming for Israel and Judah, which means we too will face judgment for those sins. This should cause us to ask how we might be right with God, what God might require of us in order to be right with Him.  

The Minor Prophets: Hosea

Sunday Jun 19, 2022

Sunday Jun 19, 2022

In this second sermon in our series through the Minor Prophets, we look at the book of Hosea. This message of Hosea is that God pursues an unholy, unfaithful, unworthy bride - and He makes her holy, faithful, and worthy. Not because of anything they did, but because of His mercy and His grace and His love. In other words, Hosea is a beautiful picture of the Gospel. In this sermon, we consider how Israel has forsaken the Lord through idolatry, how we might be guilty of similar sins, and how Christ alone is worthy of worship. 

The Minor Prophets: Amos

Sunday Jun 12, 2022

Sunday Jun 12, 2022

Starting with this message, we are walking through many of the Minor Prophets in chronological order. Each week, we'll cover an entire book. This week is Amos. Amos is a shepherd from the southern kingdom of Judah whom God commissions to call the northern kingdom of Israel to repentance. Just like Amos, we are commissioned with a word from the Lord for people today. Listen as we hear Amos's message, apply it to ourselves, and find grace in Jesus Christ. 

Monday Jun 06, 2022

God has given elders and deacons to the church, not to rule tyrannically, but to serve lovingly. In this sermon, we'll see that it is important that we have a plurality of elders, that elders and deacons function biblically, and that we appoint men who are qualified to those offices. 

The Church (Pt 4) - Baptism

Tuesday May 24, 2022

Tuesday May 24, 2022

In this sermon, we look at one of the two ordinances of the church - baptism. In this sermon, we see that baptism is both an external symbol of our being washed clean by the blood of Christ AND the state that we Christians live in as we are covered by the blood of Christ.  We also see that our normal mode of baptizing is to immerse the new believer in water because it best symbolizes the believer's participation in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and subsequent union to Christ by faith. 

Monday May 16, 2022

Part 2 on Acts 2:42-47 - In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit falls at Pentecost, 3000 people are saved, and then they begin to live out what the Holy Spirit is working in them. Acts 2:42-47 describes the life of the early church as they followed the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit, and gives us us a picture of what church life looks like in its purest sense - straight out of the box, so to speak. Listen in as we look at the final 3 of the 5 ministries of the church seen in this passage. 

Monday May 09, 2022

In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit falls at Pentecost, 3000 people are saved, and then they begin to live out what the Holy Spirit is working in them. Acts 2:42-47 describes the life of the early church as they followed the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit, and gives us us a picture of what church life looks like in its purest sense - straight out of the box, so to speak. Listen in as we look at the first 2 of the 5 ministries of the church seen in this passage. 

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